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We wanted to share some sentiments with you so you can get to know us better. We're young, ambitious women looking to strive and excel in every way, shape, and form. We did this by transforming our small business into a one-stop beauty shop that supports your enhanced day-to-day looks. We love what we do and are inspired by the many people we meet daily. So we took a passion and ran with it, creating Naomiekaybeauty. 


Whether that's lash extensions, teeth whitening, or laser hair removal, we want you to feel great each and every day; that's our mission.


By trusting our process with every step and obstacle and by taking it daily, we're able to inspire and help other women feel empowered. We like to think of ourselves as young women encouraging other women to be greater than we were yesterday. 


If you are interested in joining our journey at Naomiekaybeauty, please reach out to us by email or connect with us on Instagram at @naomiekaybeauty



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